free cover letter template!

Introducing a Powerful Cover
Letter Hiring
Managers Can't

The purpose of a cover letter is to quickly persuade a busy hiring manager that you are a strong candidate for their job opening.

Our five-sentence cover letter accomplishes that goal. It communicates your interest in a compelling, clear, and concise format. Most importantly, it's convincing and gets to the point. (After wading through hundreds of resumes per job posting brevity is something the hiring manager undoubtedly appreciates).

Our cover letter is a smart easy to use sales tool that can convince the hiring manager to read your resume. Download it here for FREE!

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    "Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant."

    Robert Louis Stevenson

    Scottish novelist, essayist and poet

    What you get:

    You get a FREE downloadable one-page, 'copy and paste', cover letter that you can easily customize every time you send out a resume.

    What is it all about?

    A cover letter is one of the most important sales tools you can use to get the attention of a busy hiring manager. But to be effective it must be compelling, clear, and concise. Our 'copy and paste' cover letter checks off all those boxes and more so it's likely to be read by the hiring manager. Plus, our format makes it easy to use and it's customizable for every job posting. Download it here for FREE.

    We recommend that you save a copy of our 'copy and paste' cover letter on your desktop or laptop. You may also want to share it with a friend. We think they'd appreciate the kind gesture.